Kulwant Rehal
2 min readMay 1, 2022


The real is rational and the rational is real.

The first thing that comes to the mind is our first encounter with these words, which was in Mathematics. All numbers that were represented on the number line were real. All fractions were rational numbers. Today as I see it, at my ripe age, I see there is nothing real. Nothing so simple as a number line, especially in life. There is nothing black and white, or whole or wholesome. Nothing or no one can be independent. Life is full of fractions (everything depends on something else). So are our experiences real or rational?

Everybody has a different reality. My reality will depend upon my upbringing- at home as well as in school. My value system will depend upon various experiences I have had. What I do today is because of a reaction or response and of course my aspirations, another dimension added. All these would determine what I do with the resources or opportunities I have. I wonder when I do take action, would it be called real or rational? For just like fractions, it would depend upon so many factors, making them rational and not really real!

There are many paintings, many movies, many writings, which are not real, but brewed with the creators imagination, they bring out the stark reality which we might not have the chance to witness, see or feel, the acid tests of reality? Artists, philosophers and writers often remove the veil in their rational way to unearth the murky ways of the real world, the world we live in.

So indeed, the real is rational and the rational is real!



Kulwant Rehal

I am a life coach who shares personal experiences as an academician, wife and mother. My book ABC of being loved is testimony of my style.