Kulwant Rehal
2 min readMay 4, 2022


The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world

The title- the hand that rocks the cradle- must have been conceived as a tribute to a mother. But as everything over the years undergoes a transformation so has motherhood. Let’s see how.

Mothers have become bread winners by pursuing careers. Fathers have started getting paternity leave during childbirth in almost all organizations. In this context is it not fair to accept the ground reality that the hand that rocks the cradle is of the father and mother?

It is true, whoever looks after the child, for the first five years will determine what the child will most likely grow up to become. Early childcare is so important. The saying, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, is in this context. It recognizes the power of ‘the hand’ that rocks the cradle.

Right from the time the baby is born, the caregiver begins shaping the destiny of the child, the child in turn as an adult will impact the world.

The family is the first school of the child. Learning starts right from the cradle. Children learn through observation. They tend to learn from their surroundings. In fact, values and ethics are imbibed with everything that goes around them. Children are very much like a sponge. The good, bad, ugly all gets absorbed. So, it is important to provide an environment of love, care and trust and support for the child. Well, if we as adults around the child value and respect each other, the child responds and there is positive learning. Conflicts in the house, on the other hand, will be noticed by the child and will create irreparable damage will be visible, when the child grows up and starts taking action. Children learn bad behaviour much faster than good behaviour, just like the rest of the human tribe. So, it is very necessary not to use foul language, nor throw tantrums or engage in conflicts in the house. The child does not learn, what you teach the child , he/she picks up the way of being from what others , his caregivers do.

So, the person he/she grows up to become as a full grown adult has much to do with the belief systems of the hands that rocked the cradle.



Kulwant Rehal

I am a life coach who shares personal experiences as an academician, wife and mother. My book ABC of being loved is testimony of my style.